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Short courses in partner countries

Short courses were a success!

During the project partners organized several short courses and reached about 1000 participants. The contents and length of the courses varied from one day introductory seminars to more intensive workshops. The participants were mainly urban and regional planners from municipalities and regional agencies, but there were also participants from consultant companies that work closely with municipalities on urban and regional planning projects. For details, please read the summary report on the short courses.

Finnish short courses

In Finland Aalto University organized seven one-day seminars in different cities around Finland: Kuopio, Jyväskylä, Espoo, Oulu, Turku, Tampere, Seinäjoki. In January and February 2013 Aalto University organised additional three courses in Oulu, Tampere and Jyväskylä. All these courses reached about 200 participants that were mainly representatives from municipalities, regional agencies, architecture companies and utilities. The objective of the short courses was to share and discuss latest information on what do RES, DH and CHP offer for urban planning and on which conditions. Another objective was to discuss and show how RES, CHP and DH can be integrated in practice in a sustainable way. Seminar topics included international aspects on sustainable communities, case studies, energy supply in urban areas. Also several local practices or cases were introduced.

Kuvateksti: Kuopio seminar participants listening to a presentation.

German short courses

In Germany the UP-RES partners delivered six two day courses in different locations: Dresden, Frankfurt, Munich and Hamburg, Chemnitz and Berlin. More than 180 participants attended the courses. The courses were delivered in the form of lectures and discussions. One important lesson learnt from the German short courses was that there should be more information sharing and better processes between utilities and municipalities. Furthermore, it became apparent that both communities and utilities attach renewable energy great importance for the future. It was also noticed that the matter of energy takes only a small part in the present education of urban planners and therefore it is an urgent need to improve that.
For further information please contact Sarah Vautz s.vautz [at] agfw.de

Hungarian short courses

In Hungary the short courses were organized a bit differently as the extent of the courses varied from each other. The first course was a 60 hour course in Budapest and managed in cooperation with Centre of Environmental Studies. The second course was  a 3 day course in Debrecen. In the second course there were invited lecturers and observers  from the Technical University of Kosice. The third course was accredited by credits of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers. In December University of Debrecen organised a fourth course in Budapest and a fifth one in Hódmezvárárhely. In all there have been about 180 participants in Hungarian short courses which shows great interest in the subject area.

British short courses

As there will not be any long training programs in UK, the training efforts will focus on organizing 20 short courses. In the UK BRE organised 20 two-day courses in different parts of the country. The overall feedback from the courses was really positive: the courses brought people together from different local authority departments, raised interest on the topic and upskilled participants.

Spanish short courses

The nie Spanish short courses were run in different cities of Catalonia: Barcelona, Girona, Tarragona. The courses were run in cooperation with the Chamber of Architecture. In addition to the one day information days in different cities, there was also a workshop in Barcelona in spring 2011. The delivery method ensures attracting more participants in the courses as it will easily combine work to studies. The contents of the short courses were the same as in the long courses that started in fall 2011 but as an introduction to the topics.



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Viimeksi päivitetty: 15.05.2013 . Sivusta vastaa: webmaster-aaltopro [a] aalto.fi
Aalto PROn päätoimipaikka: Dipoli-talo | PL 18 000, 00076 AALTO (Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo).